Vincent Lyon P.A.
We all think we know what a will is. They come up on detective dramas on TV and in Nancy Drew novels. But the law is very strict when it comes to a will. The reason for this is that the person who can explain any discrepancies or ambiguities is no longer living. In every case in short, a will is a piece of paper, created according to very specific rules, that directs what happens to a person’s property after they die. A properly created will has the power of the courts to enforce it. As such, it is very powerful and needs to be taken very seriously. If you are a resident of Florida, you have a will that the state legislature wrote for you. It is a one-size-fits-all bit of legislation. But as we all know, one size never fits all. The legislature doesn’t know you, or your family, or your wishes. An estate planning attorney like Lyon Law can help you prepare a will that will stand up in court and that will achieve what you want it to achieve for you and your family.
Key Expertise:
- Representation in arbitration procedures
- Representing the client in arbitration-related court proceedings
- Recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards
- Advising on arbitration-related matters